Amplify Together

A Group for Founders and CEO’s



  • Has founded a business(es) that already has revenue
  • Is working on scaling a business and/or team(s)
  • Raised Series A+
  • Is looking for peer-to-peer learning experiences.
  • Wants clarity and focus from an expert facilitator
  • Knows the complexity of being a leader in a crises
  • Understands the demands and dimensions of leadership

Even our current circumstances will not stop you from going to the next level in 2020

And you know that you will go further with someone like me in your corner. You want someone who can help you recognize your blind spots faster. You want advice from experts who know what it takes to build businesses, lead teams, and understand potential pitfalls and mistakes of scaling.

Why would you want to work with me?

Definitely not because I’ve gathered certifications along the way. You want to work with me because you trust that I KNOW WHAT IT TAKES.

“Because I mean it. I live it. I am it.”

I am an international executive coach, training the future leaders of this world. CEOs, entrepreneurs, and industry innovators turn to for my strategic frameworks for growth. My cross-cultural competence and vast global experience make me the #1 resource for high-achieving leaders and their senior management teams during periods of rapid growth.

All my clients have this in common:

They go big! They are always hungry for a deeper understanding of who they are, and how they can translate this into actionable steps that consistently move them forward and help them maintain momentum.

I didn’t just wake up one day, take a class and decide to become a coach.

I was part of building 3 businesses from the ground up to the first 1-3 million, scaled several (one of them had an 83 million dollar exit last year) and have been working as an executive and business coach for the past 7 years. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 12 years.

What does that mean?

I have knowledge and staying power!

I have consistently taken myself and my business to the next level, by amplifying my life year after year!

I am an investor, I own property, and I have a lifestyle that I designed around my work, my wellbeing, and most importantly, my ambitions to drive change in this world. I regularly speak on re-imagining the Future of Work, Unconventional Work Style Design, and Leadership.

Most importantly, I understand what it takes.

I am known to be a little bit of a superhuman, and that is not an accident.

But it didn’t happen overnight.

I know what it takes to pivot, innovate, and let go of what cannot be scaled.

I have a loyal and respectful community of clients who I help to do the same.

I am known as the secret sauce to people’s success.

I know what it takes to make it.

Anthony Dorment, Digital Media Executive, New York, NY

“Silvia gave me the insights, tools, and support I needed to do the hard work and to hold myself accountable for the changes I sought in my professional and personal life. She brings valuable business expertise, a zest for living, and deep care for her clients to every interaction and is a fantastic partner to have in your corner.”

Wing Pepper, Entrepreneur Sf, CA

“Silvia is an inspiring partner who helps people find their true calling and potential. Her ability to listen, guide and encourage is matched only by her dedication to helping each individual reach a place of personal strength and meaning. She’s successfully helped me reach my professional goals.”


Get clarity on your goals
Have a strong WHY

Feel an unwavering commitment to doing what it takes

We will identify new opportunities, outline best practices, and prioritize your immediate needs over your long-term success strategies.


  • Discover current pain points to make sure each person’s unique challenges are addressed.
  • Hold you accountable to your goals
  • How to adapt your leadership style to any situation
  • How to work remotely and lead teams effectively
  • We will teach you how to manage difficult conversations
  • Bust through obstacles and blind spots
  • Discuss leadership and other challenges with your peers

What you get:

I will guide you as your independent sounding board and trusted advisor for strategic business planning – particularly as these plans pertain to your goals and scaling your business.

We will collectively and effortlessly move upward and onwards toward an amplified future.

Will you join us?

  • 3 months as a group
  • 1-1 onboarding sessions (30 minutes each, I want to get to know you)
  • Bi-Weekly group coaching sessions (60-minute calls)
  • 4-6 people per group

Jesse Israel, Co-Founder Big Quiet & Medi Club New York, NY

“Silvia deeply understands the tools and frameworks to best position leaders for success in business growth – she shifted my mindset around work, relationships and purpose and supported me to create a framework that has become the most powerful new tool in my life.”

Mike Cooke, Partner of a Global Consulting Firm Chicago, Il

“Silvia has a unique ability to mix insight with pragmatism and empathy. She has helped me sort through the noise of my professional and personal life and has supported me in design a growth path aligned with my core values.”

I can take you from where you are to where you want to be

Achieving anything that is worthwhile, inspiring, and driven by a meaningful desire is HARD! It takes practice, patience, and perseverance. You need someone to support you!

Maybe you feel like you have wasted enough time doing this on your own without making significant changes.

I know, because I’ve been there. I’ve struggled and failed A LOT.

“Success hasn’t fallen into my lap”

My life is real. I know what it feels like to hit bottom, dead-end roads, and experience disillusionment.

I know what it means to have my desires fail me on every level, lose everything, and have to start over.

I’ve faced financial despair and been fortunate enough to learn new levels of success. I know what it feels like to go from being completely isolated to building the most incredible relationships.

However, I also understand shame, regret, humiliation, failure, and heartbreak. I know what it feels like to chase a dream like it’s the last train leaving the station, and then realize it wasn’t even the right train!

And I know what it takes to build a business from an idea, all the way over to meeting target ROI without losing your health, sanity, and relationships along the way. (If you are an entrepreneur, you’ll know what I’m talking about.)


I’m deeply committed to doing this work myself every day, and I know how hard it is to actually do it!

Everything I have and everything I do is a direct result of consistently getting back up, taking my chances, and developing a level of joy and gratitude accompanied by mental and emotional fortitude.

I teach from experience and I teach from knowledge. Life itself has been my greatest teacher of all. I can give you insights – not because I’ve spent the last decade obsessively studying, but because I also practice what I preach.

As a result, I trust in my knowledge and ability to learn whatever it takes to move myself to the next level. I have the discipline to create a learning journey for myself. I’d hope you want to work with me because you trust that I KNOW WHAT IT TAKES.

And I want to give you the opportunity to take this journey for yourself!


  • You’re not committed to making the calls
  • You are not willing to support others in the group.
  • You’re unwilling to be coached and learn powerful time-tested techniques.
  • You don’t have the willingness to persevere when faced with obstacles.
  • You believe that past performance always equals current strategies needed.
“If you’re relentlessly seeking to elevate your game even in the most stressful times, then this is for you!”

What People Say

Elana Horwich, Meal and a Spiel New York, NY

“Working with Silvia really helped me get organized for my book launch. She is a true catalyst for you! I highly recommend her if you are looking to develop yourself as a leader and grow your business.”

Beth McNamee, Executive Coach New York

“Working with Silvia was such a joy. Her advice, empathy, and brilliance helped me restore my optimism and achieve my goals. She is a wonderful coach”


Will I get worksheets and assignments?
Yes! I will give you tools, worksheets, and resources as they apply. Our process together might vary and I won’t overwhelm you with sheets and assignments unrelated to your goals.

But yes, you will have plenty of homework assignments and resources you can keep as a reference for later.

What happens if progress is slower than expected?
Don’t worry — this happens. We will go and grow at your pace. The course speed is not mandatory. We’ll work on your individual goals for as long as you need. Also, keep mind that I’m not just going to leave you at the end of the three months. You might consider continuing on, as many do who have come to value my work. Growth takes time. It takes practice, patience, and perseverance. I’m here to teach you techniques and to hold you accountable for as long as you want me to back you up. That is entirely up to you.
What happens after the three months of the program are up?
That’s up to you. Most people continue to maintain their momentum. We will meet less often, but still check in about progress.

We can easily drop back into old habits if we don’t exercise our attitudinal muscles and mental fitness.

It’s like going to the gym. You don’t just stop when you’ve reached your goal and go back to your old habits – you keep at it! It’s possible you may not need your coach every week, but you may want to check in with me from time to time to do a spot check, attitude adjustment, etc.

Some clients just book a breakthrough session every quarter to keep themselves aligned and in check.

That’s what I personally do. Every quarter, I set aside a day to meet with my coach and strategize about what I have accomplished according to what I set out to experience, learn, or create, and how I want to move forward. Is there something that needs to change or did something become redundant? Do I need to pivot or did life just have a completely different plan?

What happens if I have to cancel a session?
Unfortunately, if you cancel your session the same day or are a no-show, I am not able to reschedule and you will lose the session. Please keep in mind I have many clients and cannot accommodate last-minute requests.
I’ll be traveling during our program. Can you work around my schedule?
Good question! I am a traveler and chances are that many of you are road warriors as well. Don’t worry — we will work around your schedule and time zone differences. My clients live all over the world and it’s all workable. I just need you to be a little flexible and open-minded. This might mean we will not always be using video on Skype and will instead do a call only.

Please note: I do have blackout dates for travel. During those times, I will not be able to book any sessions. Those are your implementation weeks.

What happens before our initial session?

Before our initial deep dive session, you will receive a questionnaire, which I need you to fill out diligently and in detail. You will then be sent an invite to my calendar to book a time that works for you. After that, you’ll have continued access to this calendar to book your subsequent sessions. I encourage you to book these well in advance, as my calendar fills up quickly with the most popular times. Please be mindful of the times you choose and please don’t commit to a time you cannot keep. I encourage you to book the same time slot every week. It’s good for consistency.

What happens during our session?
I work over Skype video calls. Please make sure you are in a location that is private and quiet. We might discuss some very personal and intimate stuff, so I want you to be in a place that is comfortable to you. Please don’t Skype me in your underwear. Dress appropriately and I’ll do the same for you.

Come prepared for our sessions. Send me assignments well in advance so I have a chance to look them over and give you feedback.